
忍術, literally: "perseverance techniques".

Kacem Zoughari defines ninjutsu as:

a collection of adaptable survival techniques that allows one to face the uncertainties of life and to respond to dangerous situations, through physical and psychological discipline, where one uses orthodox weapons in unorthodox ways.1

According to Takamatsu Toshitsugu,


Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu lineage

Other characters

Hattori family


Koizumi Shizuo wrote that people know of as many as 73 Ryū​ in ancient times, based on a conversation with Takamatsu Toshitsugu.2

  • Hakuun-ryū (白雲流)
  • Kirigakure-ryū (霧隠流)
  • Shirai-ryū (白井流)
  • Shintō-ryū (神道流)
  • Hachiryū-ryū (八竜流)
  • Kasumi-ryū (霞流)
  • Kurama-ryū (鞍馬流)
  • Negishi-ryū (根岸流)
  • Kōga-ryū (甲賀流)
  • Kotō-ryū
  • Togakure-ryū
  • Iga-ryū

Source Texts

Iga Hattori Keifu

  1. Kacem Zoughari, The Ninja: Ancient Shadow Warriors of Japan, (Claredon: Tuttle, 2010), 27
  2. Kacem Zoughari, Takamatsu Toshitsugu, Ninja Master of the 20th Century, (Paris: Ryugi Shuppan, 2021), 9